More big campaign wins! Check out our impact for Palestine!

Thanks to everyone who has participated in our campaigns in support of Palestinian life, rights and freedom these past six months.  Below, we give a status on all the campaigns we have launched since Oct. 7.  You will see: the number of wins and overall impact is impressive!  Please take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate our collective breakthroughs!

While we can be confident that our efforts have had an impact, we also know that the tragic loss of Palestinian life has also played a role.  Israel's war on Gaza, its slaughter of Palestinians, and the West's indifference is infuriating.  So we must continue to pressure the government to uphold international law, respect the rights of Palestinians, and protect Palestinians and their allies in Canada!  

And if you like our work and want to see it grow, please consider donating.  Collective pressure and actions DO make a difference.

BIG NEW WIN – Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly imposes arms embargo on Israel


In February, it was revealed that between October and December 2023, Canada approved $28.5M worth of arms exports to Israel, exceeding the annual total of any year in the last thirty years. For months, CJPME and other organizations have demanded that Canada end its arms trade with Israel. After months applying pressure, and the passage of the NDP Motion, Foreign Affairs minister Melanie Joly announced that Canada will no longer approve military exports to Israel. More than 13,000 emails were sent to Joly throughout this campaign, and we now have a one-way arms embargo on Israel to celebrate.   

BIG NEW WIN –  CJPME Petition for "arms embargo on Israel" is 9th largest in Canadian Parliamentary history 

Part of the arms embargo campaign included a parliamentary petition launched by CJPME and sponsored by NDP Foreign Affairs Critic Heather McPherson.  The petition called for a two-way embargo on Israel, and an investigation of whether Canadian-made weapons were used recently against Palestinian civilians, among other things. When the petition closed on Feb. 19, it had garnered over 82,000 signatures, making it the 9th largest petition in Parliamentary in history, and the 5th largest petition of this parliamentary session. Thanks to everyone who supported this extremely successfully campaign.  It will be tabled by McPherson in April, and the government will be required to provided a response within 40 days. 

BIG NEW WIN – Parliament votes in support of important "Palestine Motion"

On March 1, the NDP announced an Opposition Day Motion on Palestine including provision for the recognition of Palestine, an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and the suspension of the arms trade with Israel, among other provisions. CJPME's campaign called for Members of Parliament to vote YES for the motion in Parliament on March 18th.  In the end, over 35,000 people supported this campaign and Parliament adopted an amended version of the motion by 204-117. While the amendments did greatly weaken the motion, the government confirmed that it would impose an embargo on arms to Israel, and would support investigations by international courts into war crimes allegations in Palestine-Israel. 

BIG NEW WIN – Minister Hussen restores funding to UNRWA: UN Agency for Palestine refugees

In a cynical decision in late January, Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen suspended funding for UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine refugees, following unsubstantiated Israeli allegations about a few UNRWA employees. UNRWA provides primarily education and health services during normal times, and has been a lifeline for the 2.3 million Palestinians under Israel's genocidal war in Gaza. Following a campaign with over 17,000 signatures and constant efforts to emphasize the catastrophic impacts of defunding UNRWA, in early March, Hussen resumed funding for the agency! 

BIG NEW WIN – Nursing Student Arij Al Khafagi fully reinstated in university program

In November, because of a few social media posts criticizing Israel's genocidal war in Gaza, nursing student Arij Al Khafagi was suspended from her nursing program at the U. of Manitoba, and academically reprimanded.  Al Khafagi made the courageous decision to oppose and appeal these sanctions, and in late January, Al Khafagi was fully reinstated into her nursing program with her academic record fully cleared. Thanks to the 12,000 Canadians who defended Arij and her right to freely express her views on Palestine-Israel!

BIG NEW WIN – Rich Ward fully reinstated in his job as school principal

CJPME has recently been informed that Principal Rich Ward has been fully reinstated at his position at Tribune Drive Public School. Following his suspension for a Tweet in November, a campaign was launched by CJPME to support Rich and demand that the Peel District School Board (PDSB) immediately reinstate him, issue a public apology and stop censoring teachers' right to free expression. Thanks to the over 4000 people who defend Rich and his right to criticize Israel's genocidial policies! 

POSITIVE MOVEMENT – Government to support cases at the ICC and ICJ following "Palestine Motion"

On Jan. 26, CJPME launched a campaign demanding that Canada respect the ICJ's provisional measures regarding Israel's genocidal actions in Gaza. Over 28,000 Canadians agreed that Canada must condemn Israel’s genocidal violence, and pressure it to fully comply with the ICJ's emergency measures. In the NDP Opposition Day Motion passed on March 18th, the Government agreed to "support the work of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court." We await the day when Israeli leaders are held accountable before the world for their war crimes!

POSITIVE MOVEMENT – "Stop Genocide or Resign" campaign helps prompt important changes 

In February, CJPME in parallel with other civil society organizations signed an open letter demanding that the Ministers Joly, Hussen and Miller "take immediate and meaningful action in response to the risk of genocide in Gaza" or resign. Hosting a press conference to announce the open letter, CJPME expressed its disappointment at the failure of the Ministers to 1) call for a ceasefire and condemn Israeli violence against Palestinians, 2) the decision to cut funding for the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) and 3) the arbitrary and racist visa program for Canadians with relatives in Gaza. With over 130 civil society organizations and more than 18,000 Canadians, CJPME demanded that these Ministers step up in this moment of extreme crisis and redress these errors or step aside. Of the demands, Minister Hussen restored Canada's funding to the UN Agency, and Joly has imposed a one-way arms embargo on Israel.  We will continue pushing until Minister Joly and Miller respect the demands of our call!

POSITIVE MOVEMENT – CaRMs oversight organizations issue condemnation of meddling 

CBC news article revealed that pro-Israel doctors planned to use their influence to manipulate the professional placement of medical students. The article showed screenshots where members of a private Facebook group discuss plans to pressure medical residency program (CaRMS) administrators to penalize students who had signed a petition calling for an end to Israel’s bombing of Gaza hospitals.  Over 2400 Canadians agreed that this breach should trigger an immediate investigation into the CaRMS process.  Thanks to this campaign and the work of allied groups, the Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) issued a statement condemning this meddling and stating its commitment to a fair and transparent process.

POSITIVE MOVEMENT – Ontario MPP Sarah Jama's censure in judicial review 

When Ontario MPP Sarah Jama criticized Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and stood up for Palestinian liberation and justice, both her party (the Ontario NDP) and the Ontario Legislature tried to censure her.  Continuing to express her right for free expression, Jama applied for a judicial review of her censure and is currently waiting to hear back from the Ontario government. With over 3400 others, CJPME supported Jama's fight though a public petition applauding her solidarity with Palestine!

PENDING – Still waiting for investigation into Canadians serving in Israeli army 

According to UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese, Israel’s actions in Gaza show a pattern of war crimes and demonstrate "reasonable grounds" for genocide. Despite this, an unknown number of Canadians have chosen to travel to Israel and voluntarily participate in Israel’s military offensive. The participation of Canadians in the IDF raises the serious likelihood that they are involved in crimes against humanity, war crimes, and even acts of genocide. Canada is legally obliged to investigate and prosecute Canadians who commit war crimes overseas. CJPME launched a campaign, calling on Justice Minister Arif Virani to investigate, which has garnered the support of almost 9000.  Canada must launch an investigation into Canadians serving or volunteering with the IDF for possible complicity in war crimes.

PENDING – Still waiting for removal of racist restrictions on temporary visa program for Gaza 

Three months into Israel's brutal and deadly assault on Gaza, Immigration Minister Marc Miller finally announced that Canada would offer a 3-year temporary residence visa to the extended family members of Canadians stuck in Gaza. However, the 1000-person cap and the unprecedented levels of personal information required by the government proved arbitrary and discriminatory. Over 4,000 people demanded that Miller remove these racist limits and allow unlimited family reunification visas. Following the NDP Motion which echoed the need to "ensure Canadians trapped in Gaza can reach safety in Canada" and to lift the arbitrary cap of 1000 people, Miller announced that he would expand the number of people eligible to enter Canada under this visa program.  The sad reality, however, is that not a single Palestinian from Gaza has been able to make to Canada yet. We continue to pressure Miller expedite this program and protect the family members of Canadians! 

PENDING – Indigo 'Peace 11' remain targeted by Toronto Police

In November 11 peace activists were violently arrested by Toronto police for putting red paint and posters on the storefront of an Indigo bookstore, in protest of Indigo CEO Heather Reisman’s indirect financial support for the Israeli military. CJPME launched a campaign in support of the activists to express disagreement with the severe charges against and mistreatment of these activists. On Mar. 25th, the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association also sent an open letter to the Toronto Police Service and the Ontario Crown Attorney to demand that the charges against the activists be withdrawn. Many have expressed how such intimidation intend to silence critics of Israel and curtail freedom of expression but CJPME is not aware of any other developments on this case. 

NEW UPDATE ON WIN – Reinstated doctor Ben Thomson sues employer for $1.5M

In November, following his abrupt suspension and subsequent online harassment and doxxing, Dr. Ben Thomson accepted a settlement by Mackenzie Health and was fully reinstated in his position. More recently, Thomson filed a lawsuit against Mackenzie Health, suing them for defamation and bad faith for censuring him for exercising a public duty in speaking out about the dehumanization of Palestinians.

NEW UPDATE ON WIN – Racist Quebec doctor forced to start GoFundMe Campaign after $25,000 fine

Following a campaign calling for the suspension of Quebec Dr. Éric Sabbah for his genocidal comments on Facebook, the College of Physicians of Quebec issued a disciplinary fine of $25,000 in January. TVA Nouvelles reported that Sabbah started a crowdfunding GoFundMe campaign with a target of $25,000 for "moral and financial support."  At least in one small case, the calling for the genocide of Palestinians has had consequences!  

NEW UPDATE ON WIN – Ottawa stands firm in condemnation of racist educator

In November, CJPME and other Ottawa-based groups called attention to an Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) teacher Lisa Levitan, for her discriminatory comments that suggested that anyone who didn’t support Israel was essentially a supporter of terrorism. Following a successful campaign demanding Levitan's suspension, CJPME and the other groups have stood firm despite legal threats from Levitan and her lawyer.  The smearing of Palestinians and their allies must have consequences!

And don't forget the wins we announced in December!

In December, we sent an email highlighting other campaign wins.  Click here to read about our wins in the cases of 1) Ben Thomson and his original fight against MacKenzie Health, 2) our win to place a full-page ad in the Hamilton Spectator, 3) our win to secure the reunification of the Alhalees family from Gaza, and 4) our support for the leadership of Calgary protestor Wesam Khaled.  As with our other campaigns, we applaud and thank our supporters for making these wins possible!

Can you support our work?

CJPME's impact on all these fronts is only possible through the generosity of donors. If you believe in what CJPME is doing to change outcomes and influence the public discourse, please consider making a gift of financial support to CJPME.  Our work depends entirely on private donations. Monthly donations are especially helpful, as they sustain our ongoing work and make it easier for us to strategize for the future. If you don't like to donate by credit card, you may donate via email transfer, over the phone (438-380-5410), or complete and mail in this form.

Thank you for supporting our collective efforts.  Every little bit makes a difference!